These Semi precious look earrings look fabulous. Whether your eyes are green or brown or blue, these stunning earrings will. Semi precious look earrings with green stones that look similar to jade are the perfect statement to make


I love spending the day with my son.  Depending on my mood, I would wear different earrings.  When he was a baby, I loved taking him to the park.  Kids are so beautiful when they are babies.  They smell so fresh.  Their skin is smooth and soft to the touch.  They make those gaggle sounds.  And, when they smile, they just like up the room and my heart.  When I take strolls to the park with my son, I wear my jade look earrings with gold trim.  My semi precious look earrings with jade looking stones blend in with all the green grass and lush plants at the park.  The days are so pleasant.  The sun shinned bright.  The birds sung songs.  And the leaves shimmered in the breeze.  I loved spending the day with my son at the park.